Saturday, December 29, 2012

December Us

I almost let December slip away without a blog.  I have one waiting for editing by Trent, since it's a blog by the both of us, but someone likes to spend his downtime doing more entertaining things.

So a quick update is what you'll be getting from me!

Trent has been busy at work the last few months.  In December he spent most of his time landscaping Chik-fil-a (so happy to be getting one, and right next to Target, where it belongs!). He has some time off between Christmas and New Years, but he ended up having to leave Boise ON Christmas (it was pretty sad) to get to TF in order to do snow removal.  He came back to Boise a day or so later, and we finished up our Boise Christmas celebrations then.  I'm thankful that he has a job, but I don't think any wife/mommy would be happy about their husband having to leave on Christmas to work.  All that to say, the snow here is BEAUTIFUL, and we are enjoying winter wonderland SO MUCH!

Ila finished up her semester of school with a fun Craft Christmas party that Chessidy and I attended.  We had fun.  Ila is growing so much verbally, and mentally it's hard to keep up.  Her language skills are SO good, but she still says some super cute things.  Our current favorite is "Did you have a nice, good nap?"  Which she says to ANYONE after then wake up, and ANY time of the day.  Ila is struggling to share these days, and loves telling us all what to do and how to do it.  She has an amazing imagination, and a great sense of humor.

Chessidy is growing physically, mentally, and verbally at a very rapid pace.  She crawls all over the house now, she mimics sounds and is constantly babbling.  She loves eating, and has been attempting to feed herself lately. She does great with rice crackers, but actual rice is a bit more difficult and extremely messy. Chessidy plays silly little games and has a cute laugh.  She loves playing with Ila, and flying with Daddy but still has a bit of mommy's girl goodness going on!

I am doing well.  Keeping busy and staying out of trouble!

We had a wonderful Christmas in Boise.  We hope you had a Merry Christmas, and that your 2013 will be blessed!