Friday, May 4, 2012

Chessidy, Ila, house.

Today Chessidy is 2 weeks old!  What a wonderful 2 weeks it has been.  She mostly sleeps and eats, but we sure enjoy our time together.  Chessidy also has developed her cry from dinosaurish to an all out scream, it is pretty vicious, but we love her none the less for it!  She likes to stay curled up like she was in the womb still and loves being held against a chest, but she sleeps nicely in her bassinet, for 4-6 hours at night.  I sure appriciate that!  So far we have not had night and day mix-up problems, and I hope it stays that way.

Ila loves being a big sister most of the time. She is adjusting well, but has a hard time when mommy is feeding Chessidy for the umpteenth time in a day.  I do my best to spend good quality time with her in-between feeds and cleaning at what not.  Ila helps me with laundry and in the kitchen some, so that is fun.

Trent is still loving his job.  I'm loving mine.  We are in the process or buying a house, and it is supposed to close on the 24th of this month if all goes well.  It's a pretty great house, so we hope all does go well.  I'm not looking forward to moving for the 9th time in 4 years but I'm looking forward to living in our own home, and hoping that it means we'll be in one place for awhile!


  1. Oh goodie! It sounds like a good update!

  2. 9 moves in 4 yrs eh? That's quite a record. I hope this move is the last one for a LONG time! lylyly

  3. i'll tell you how many times WE'VE moved in the last 4 years... once. just once! and that one move is thanks to you, nicole anne becker! if it weren't for you, we might still be in a 2-bedroom duplex on the tree infested east side of town... maybe. maybe not. it's hard to say.
    but let's count up how many times we DID move our first 4 years of marriage: 11th ave, addison ave, elm st., parents, american falls, canova. just 5. that's not bad. it seemed like we moved every single year! oh wait... 5 times in 4 years... we did. :)
    9 times in 4 years, that's like every 6 months. that's almost twice as many times as us! well, i won't pretend like i know what that's like! and i won't spoil the surprise of how extravagant it is to stay in the same home for the next 4 years... i'll let you figure that out all on your own! ;) (because i love you and i like surprises)
