Monday, November 28, 2011

5 smells I currently can't get enough of.

Today I've been thinking about smells. As you may know, pregnant women have much more sensitive sniffers then a normal person. This usually seems to be a negative aspect of pregnancy, but today, I'm thinking about how it is also good. It is good, because smells I usually like, I LOVE and I also get to experience a new level of aroma with other things. So here is it, my current list of things I LOVE to smell, and aromas that I find very pleasing.

COFFEE. I walk by the section in the grocery store multiple times and inhale deeply. I was given a bag the other day, and I smelled and smelled and smelled it and tried to absorb as much flavor through my nostrils as possible.

ILA'S HAIR. I love this smell because it means I'm probably snuggling with her, which is a rare treat due to the activity level of a 2 year old.

CARMALIZING ONIONS. I carmalized some last night for a batch of spaghetti, and decided that French Onion Soup NEEDED to be made to following night for dinner, so it's on the stove cooking away now!

LAUNDRY AT MY MOM'S HOUSE. Tide and snuggle. It's really the best scent you can give your clothes. So I bought some snuggle when we got back home, because I missed the smell!

TRENT'S CLOTHES. This sounds weird right after talking about the smell laundry gives our clothes, but Trent's clothes hold onto this delicious almost wood type smell. We call it his scent, and it is delicious.

Any smells you are currently loving?


  1. We happened to get some more grapefruit shampoo. And I like Annie's hair. And we got some good in season raspberries that reminded me that they are quite possibly the best food item the earth produces. Good enough to qualify for a top smell, even though they're not exactly an aromatic fruit.

  2. Hah, this list is awesome.

    I have been making peppermint hot chocolate at home lately and I always smell my cup before, during and after I drink it. I think it reminds me of home. Oh yeah, and it tastes good.

  3. When I was pregnant, Lowe's lumber section made my knees quiver. Tea tree oil also seemed to soothe me and I just loved breathing it in. Nowadays, as long as it doesn't smell like poop, it's all good...

  4. Troy, yes. Grapefruit shampoo smells delicious and you could send me some raspberries, because that sounds delicious!
    Elise, I make it too and smell it lots and lots. Peppermint was #6 on the list of smells, but i think it smells great to everyone....right?!
    Bonnie, I remember the lumber section days while you were preggo with Annie. And yeah, poop smell is no good.

  5. take home message: pregnant women aren't normal women!

  6. turkey and the trimmings baking is a wonderful aroma, especially when pumpkin pie and homemade applesauce are in the making. The aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls are hard to beat. . . oranges being peeled. I have to agree with Bonnie about the smell of freshly cut lumber, too. I love the smell of sheets that have dried on the clothesline. . . not the smell of detergent or softener--just the smell of the outdoors.

  7. gingerbread cake, I agree with the Ila's hair thing as well as Nicole's hair. Twisted peppermint soap (only out this time of year from B&B works). Fresh sheets, and coffee in the mornings.

  8. i took home the same message trentski did.
